Amateur Radio has a long and honored tradition of providing communications during times of emergency. This is in keeping with the first of the stated purposes of the Amateur Radio Service found in the FCC rules:
97.1(a) Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary noncommercial communications service, particularly with respect to providing emergency service.
The primary mission of Pasco County Amateur Radio Emergency Service is to provide dedicated volunteer federally licensed amateur radio operators to government, non-governmental and community agencies during times of emergency and disasters thereby increasing safety for and expediting the recovery process of the affected agencies and communities. This is accomplished in part through the training of ARES volunteers in communication procedures, national operational structures as required by FEMA (NIMS, ICS, etc.) and the development of the technical skills necessary to complete their communications mission under a variety of situations including possible adverse communications conditions.
In the course of filling our mission, the volunteer personnel of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) provides the services and personal equipment to the community at no cost. The service is neither taxpayer-supported nor is compensation normally allowed. The Amateur Radio Emergency Service is part of the American Radio Relay League, the national association of the radio amateurs which is a signatory to a Statement of Affiliation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. As repeatedly demonstrated in disaster after disaster, when all other communication systems fail. Amateur Radio and ARES come through!
Amateur Radio Emergency Service, ARES are registered trademarks of the American Radio Relay League, Inc. and used with their permission.